Celebrating Accessibility and Innovation: The TD Pilot Unboxing Campaign

September 2, 2024 at 9:00 AM
by Black Box Productions

Creating meaningful content that connects deeply with its intended audience is a key aspect of every successful video campaign.

At Black Box Productions, we pride ourselves on crafting stories that not only highlight innovative products but also celebrate the lives they impact.

We had the privilege of working with Tobii Dynavox to create a powerful unboxing video for the TD Pilot, a groundbreaking device that enables individuals with physical disabilities to communicate using eye-tracking technology. This project was a unique collaboration with All Access Life, featuring the inspiring duo, Brad and Dan.

Tobii Dynavox's TD Pilot is more than just a piece of technology; it's a life-changing tool that gives a voice to those who may not be able to communicate traditionally. The challenge for us was to capture the essence of this device and the profound impact it has on its users. We needed to convey not just the technical capabilities of the TD Pilot but also the emotional significance it holds for individuals like Brad, who live with nonverbal Dyskinetic Cerebral Palsy.

The Creative Approach: Amplifying Authentic Voices

When brands can team up with real customers to champion their products, great things happen! In this case, Toby Dynavox collaborated with All Access Life, a non-profit organization founded by Brad Heaven and his best friend and business partner, Dan O'Connor. All Access Life is dedicated to showcasing adaptive products and assistive technologies that empower people with disabilities. Given their mission and personal connection to the TD Pilot, Brad and Dan were the perfect voices to feature in this campaign.

The video we produced was more than just an unboxing; it was an introduction to a device that could dramatically enhance the quality of life for its users. We structured the video to not only demonstrate the TD Pilot's features, but to show real use cases and impact in a fun and entertaining format. Through close collaboration with Brad and Dan, we made sure that the video was both authentic and professionally edited, providing a platform for Brad to share his experience with the TD Pilot.

The Execution: From Script to Screen

We filmed the entire project in a studio over the course of one day, using a small yet highly skilled team of six professionals.

Our six-person crew included:

  • Director
  • Director of Photography
  • Second Camera Operator
  • Sound Technician
  • Gaffer
  • Production Assistant

Our global client had a Creative Director in Sweden and a marketing department in Pittsburgh. We were able to patch a signal from our cameras directly into a Zoom meeting, creating what we call a “remote video village”. In this way, our clients could see and hear exactly what we were capturing, and provide real time feedback, all from the comfort of their homes.

Given the global reach of Tobii Dynavox, we created 280 different deliverables for this campaign. This included ten unique assets, each adapted into nine languages and formatted in three different aspect ratios. This level of versioning ensured that the TD Pilot's message could reach a diverse and widespread audience.

The video featured Brad demonstrating the TD Pilot's eye-tracking technology, showing how he could control the device with his eyes to communicate and interact with the world around him. We also incorporated beauty shots of the TD Pilot, highlighting its sleek design and intuitive interface.

The Impact:

The TD Pilot unboxing video was more than just a product showcase; it was a celebration of the incredible advancements in assistive technology and the lives it impacts. The campaign was met with overwhelming positivity, both from Tobii Dynavox and the broader community.

The video also went on to win a Gold Luum Award in 2022 for "Campaigns: Designs for a Better World".

Through this project, we not only helped promote a revolutionary product but also contributed to a broader conversation about inclusivity and accessibility in technology. The partnership with Brad and Dan from All Access Life was particularly rewarding, as it allowed us to amplify the voices of individuals who are often underrepresented in the media.

Key Takeaways: Celebrating Innovation and Inclusion

The TD Pilot campaign stands as a powerful example of how storytelling can be used to highlight the importance of innovative technologies that improve lives. By focusing on authentic reactions and collaborating with those who are directly impacted by the product, we were able to create a campaign that was both emotionally connected and widely effective.

At Black Box Productions, we are committed to telling stories that matter—stories that empower, inspire, and make a difference. The TD Pilot project was a perfect example, and we are proud to have been a part of it. As we continue to push creative boundaries, we look forward to more opportunities to work on projects that have the power to change lives.

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